Monday, April 1, 2013

Hey... remember when I posted here?

Crazy right? Good times. Good times.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Already slippin'

Not slippin' on the diet... Okay, I AM slippin' on the diet... but that's not what the title of this post refers to.

I'm referring to me slipping on this blog. 

It's been a few days since my last entry. Here's the basic rundown (for the none of you who are curious). As my last post mentions, I did pretty well in my first week... although my weird body issues wouldn't really allow me to accept and enjoy that. Still, I stayed after it.

Sunday rolled around. This was supposed to be my "cheat day". I spent it at home with the family for the most part... and since we really don't have any bad food in the house, I did really well through most of the day. In the afternoon, I was invited to go play basketball with some friends, which I did.

It was a blast to get out and run. We played for a couple of hours and I definitely burned a ton of calories. So... on my way home, tired and starved, I decides to grab my "cheat meal". Taco Time. I got home, weighed in, and then tore into my food wile watching my DVR'd copy of the Pro Bowl (Go Hawks!).

So... here's where the mental fatigue begins. Of course after a day of healthy eating and vigorous exercise, my weight had dropped significantly from the day before. Mostly water, but still... the scale was glowing beneath me like rays of sunshine. And then Taco Time. And the usual re-hydration...

And well, the next morning was an astronomical jump in weight. Not just the water I expected, but a couple additional lbs. I'm sayin', my poundage sprang back up to a higher mark than I had seen 3 or 4 days prior. Depression.

I 've been trying ever since to work it back down, but I've had a VERY busy week at work. So no gym time whatsoever. I have been fairly meticulous on my eating, but the result has been a super-slow drop in weight as the week has progressed. 


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

That's a wrap on WEEK ONE.

Okay, so that one's in the record books. A week down and my weight loss is:



-7.7lbs. meh.

I mean, that's fine. It's not bad at all really... especially since I had more than a few hiccups this week... and I don't even think I fully realized when the week started how focused (obsessive) I would be by the weeks end. 

Still, the early weeks are the easy ones and should yield the best results... so I'm not totally stoked on -1.1 lbs per day.

Check with me in a couple months... at that point, I'm sure numbers like this would be cause for me to do backflips in happiness.

Yes, that's me... a 300lb. dude, doing an actual backflip. Yes, it's on a trampoline... but still.

Also... I wanted to talk a bit about something I tried today. A "recipe". I figure at this point almost no one is reading the crap I post here. And that's fine. I'm doing it for me. If I came across this blog I seriously doubt that I'd be in a rush to come back and see how this random fat dude was doing every day. To that end, I guess I had better occasionally post something of a little more "substance".
Until I figure out what that might be, deal with this:

I eat a lot of eggs. I tend to turn to them when I need a meal and don't wanna dip into the staples that helped build my current 300lb. temple. (bread, pizza, etc) The most common thing for me to make was always a breakfast wrap on a whole wheat tortilla. For the time being, I've ditched the tortilla too... and have been making scrambled eggs, with onions, turkey sausage and maybe a little pepper jack cheese. Salt & pepper and a little Tabasco and I'm golden. If we have salsa in the house, good. If not, no big deal. I'll eat this at any time, for any meal. And in case you can't tell by that description, I'm not much of a cook.

Anyway, I was thinking I wanted to mix it up a bit, but wasn't sure what to do. So today I went a little outside of the box. I made egg salad, but instead of using mayo, I mushed up an avocado in with my hard boiled eggs. It was really pretty darn delicious. I had to resist the urge to pile it on a bagel, but still. It was nice. I think if I try it again, I'll go a little deeper with some more seasoning... maybe some celery or something, and who knows, maybe even a more exotic mustard that, well, yellow. But for the first run, simple was good. I looked around and found several versions of this on the interwebs... so check em out for yourself and hit me up if you find something you think I might like.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The biggest pile of donuts. Ever.

I've posted this picture before in other places.

But I really think it helps to show what I go through at work. This was from a "Donut Friday" we had a few years ago. I mean, they still do donut friday every week, but this one was epic. I can still smell the maple bars now.

I'm a freelance video editor who tends to do a lot of work for one particular client. And this client is big on amenities for the people that use their facility. Amenities like, free coffee and soda. Tons of snacks. A concierge service who arranges to have your free lunch delivered to your edit suite... etc.

This morning, the concierge came by with fresh home made brownies. She had implanted peanut butter and chocolate chips into the center of each one. They. Looked. Glorious. But I passed. Last nights dinner was so bad, I can't lat it derail me.

Back on the wagon.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Date Night

Remember when I said I was great at this? I may have been mistaken. 

Seriously, I knew that when I typed it. But still, it's shocking how often I allow myself to be reminded. Today, I started off strong. Had a good morning weigh-in... and then had a very good breakfast. Completely healthy and yet satisfying.

Then, a buddy came by to watch the NFC Championship game. And he brought pizza and beer. I think I managed that okay. I had two slices of pizza, yes... but no beer. And considering that 2 slices would normally only be Round 1 for me, this wasn't so bad.

But... then I remembered that we had made a deal for some friends of ours to watch our toddler so that we could go out for a date night. My wife loves a local spot called Cactus.

I did manage to run to the gym for a quick cardio workout before we left for dinner, but I'm not sure it would be enough to ready me for what I was about to do to myself.

So yeah, a margarita, some chips and guac, and chicken fajitas later... it's another completely blown day. Oh, and I forgot... navajo fry bread w/honey. So, so good. But I may have just destroyed any progress I made earlier in the week.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Eat clean.

Today went better than the rest of this week has. I mean, it's not over and I've got plenty of time to screw it up... but so far, I've eaten pretty clean.

I did work a ton though... so no time to get in the gym. That sucks. And it's something I really have to remedy. But for now, I'm gonna celebrate one day of good, healthy food choices.

Well, that was a total bust.

Work went longer than I had hoped.

Dinner was leftover pizza.

I did not get to the gym.

Today was a complete fail. Complete. Fail.